I’ve often convinced myself that as a busy mom on the go, I absolutely needed those processed snacks and meals – there seemed to be no other option. But guess what? There is a way to leave the house with homemade snacks that won’t break the bank or compromise your kids’ health in the long run. I do it every day, and I’d love to show you how by whipping up quick, delicious snacks just three times a week!
In our household, the first step we took was cutting out packaged snacks for my kids. We’re always on the move, especially around lunchtime, which happens to be my workout time – crucial for my well-being as a busy mom. I’ve often used the excuse of busyness to justify splurging on what I thought were the “best” snacks that could travel well.
A year down the road, the consequences of my choices were glaring: draining thousands of dollars, fostering unhealthy snacking habits in my kids who incessantly begged for snacks, and definitely not making my life any simpler. The first wake-up call was the financial drain. Crunching the numbers on my weekly budget for packaged snacks left me stunned. It was time for a change. So, I took a firm stance and abruptly shifted gears. I sat my older daughter down and explained why we were cutting out store-bought snacks – that “mommy was going to make them.” It felt daunting, especially since I dreaded the kitchen, lacked confidence in my cooking skills, and had just made a significant commitment to a four-year-old who, as any parent of a toddler knows, will hold you to your word.
Today, our home is filled with more peace because there’s no longer a frantic rush to the pantry – it’s empty. Instead, I’ve designated a spot on my counter for homemade snacks, which we pair with fruits, cheese, and the like. Our on-the-go lunches are now crafted from homemade treats or leftovers from the previous night’s dinner. Life can truly be simpler when you commit to tackling the tough stuff; all it takes is a solid plan.
Please check out my “Guides” tab where I share a few of my favorite resources I created when I was just starting to figure out my flow around the kitchen. I hope you feel excited and empowered to rip that band aid and start saving money and moving your family’s health in the right direction. You’ve got this.